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Elaine Carpenter

Page history last edited by Emily Olson 10 years, 5 months ago


Elaine Carpenter


Elaine Carpenter brings more than 30 years of experience in the corporate, nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. She currently serves as Vice President of Business Development for ZeroDivide, a mission-driven consulting organization. Prior to this, Elaine was the Executive Director of School2Home, an innovative program designed to help close the Achievement Gap and the Digital Divide by integrating the use of technology into teaching, learning and parent engagement at low-performing middle schools. Elaine has also served as Chief of Staff of the United States Telecom Association in Washington D.C. and worked for 18 years as Vice President and Director of Corporate Communications, Planning and Public Policy at Aliant Communications, a mid-sized telecom company headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. She was an active participant in crafting key provisions of the 1996 Telecom Act and related proceedings at the Federal Communications Commission.


Elaine is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and has served on the board of directors of more than 30 organizations, including three hospitals, numerous Blue Ribbon Committees and local, state and national advisory boards.

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