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Andrew Ko

Page history last edited by Emily Olson 10 years, 4 months ago


Andrew Ko


Mr. Andrew Ko is a General Manager in Microsoft Corporation’s U.S. Education business. In his current role, he is responsible for the Partners in Learning Program (PiL) which, under his leadership, has seen great success in improving the educational experience for students and teachers through innovative implementation of new technology solutions. The PIL program provides professional development for educators, shares best practices with education leaders including governors, superintendents, principals and legislatures.


Andrew’s work includes implementing large K-12 state-wide education cloud solution initiatives, modernizing student information systems, promoting STEM and Computer Science through public / private partnerships, and designing teacher professional development for technology use in the classroom.


In January 2014, Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed Andrew as a member of the Virginia State Board of Education.  He also served on the Corporate Advisory Board for Thomas Jefferson Science and Technology High school in Virginia providing guidance on the use of technology improving teaching and learning.  He also served as a Board Member for the Jobs For Virginia Graduates non-profit organization helping at-risk students become job ready.

Before joining Microsoft, Andrew had a diverse background, including business development, consulting, financial accounting and corporate restructuring, serving in positions across the U.S. and international markets. He is a veteran of the management consulting industry, including positions at Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu Emerging Markets Group and KPMG Consulting.  Andrew successfully worked with a variety of clients within the financial services sector and the federal government.  His client included the U.S. Department of Education, where Andrew recommended and integrated policy reforms to the Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education division on Title IV funding saving millions of taxpayer dollars.


Andrew earned his B.S. in Accounting from the University of Maryland and was also a Certified Public Accountant. He and his wife, Mi Joung, have three children and live in Ashburn, Virginia. In his spare time he enjoys volunteering and always encourages others to participate in their communities.

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