Plenary Broadband's Impact on the Growth of Rural Business

Plenary: Floodgates or Bottleneck: Broadband's Impact on the Growth of Rural Business & Economic Development


Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Time: 1:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Room: Ballroom



Stan Adams, Kansas Department of Commerce



Jeff Seymour, Franklin County Development Council

Brian Inbody, Neosho County Community College

Patrick Flanagan Niece Products of Kansas

Lori Vandervoort, BDN International


Session Description:

Business leaders and experts in the field of economic development highlight the critical contributions of broadband access.  What can access to state of the art broadband networks mean for businesses and for communities?  What consequences can result from a lack of adequate access to state of the art networks?


Session Links:


1-19-15 Jeff Seymour Bio.pdf 

1-18-15 Ottawa Broadband Network Presentation.pdf 

1-18-15 Ottawa Broadband Network Presentation.pptx 


Video Recording 

Notes: Attached Presentation Includes Information on Ottawa, Kansas High Speed Industrial/Commercial Broadband Network, Bios